Wednesday, October 6, 2010


The first part of the preperation is the acceleration.  This is when the skater accelerates to a fast enough speed to successfully do the move.  Shoot the duck is only able to be down while moving on the ice.  The velocity is what helps the skater with most of the balance needed to complete the move.  Without movement on the ice (speed), the skater will fall, regardless of the skater's body position. 

After skater is accelerating at a speed needed for the move, the skater has to:

Hip and knee -  Flex knee and hip flexors about 90 degrees so center of gravity is very low to the ground.  Extend right knee so entire leg is parallel to the ground.  Start arms and hands in neutral position, flex shoulders bilaterally until they are parallel to the ground. Grab and hold onto distal part of leg as close to the ankle as possible.

Hip joint - Flexion of the hips bilaterally using the Iliacus, Psoas major and minor, Rectus femoris, Sartorius, Pectineus bilaterally and the Tensor fasciae latae.
Knee joint- Flexion of the knees bilaterally using the Sartorius, Semitendinosus, Semibranosus, and Biceps femoris.
Knee joint - Extension of the dexter knee using the Rectus femoris
Shoulder girdle -  Elevation/upward rotation Serratus Anterior, Trapezius upper and middle fibers, Rhomboids and Levator scapulae.  Abduction (protraction) of the Serratus andterior, and pectoralis minor.

Shoulder joint - Flexion of the Anterior deltoid and upper pectoralis major. Horizontal adduction of the Pectoralis major, anterior deltoid and coracobrachialis.

Elbow joint -  Arm starts in anatomical position, so the (elbow) - Triceps brachii long, lateral, and medial head, and Anconeous are held in extension.

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